Article & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. Telling girls they don’t like STEM halves their involvement at any age STEMTechnology An experiment tests gender stereotyping in computer science to identify factors contributing to girls lack of involvement in STEM. Only... Years
Article, Career Profile & Podcast Please login to favourite this article. Diversity in engineering with Leeanne Bond Careers in STEMEngineering Engineer, company director and diversity leader Leeanne Bond talks about breaking down the barriers in the world of engineering. This... Years 7-10
Article, Professional Learning & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. The Prime Minister's Prize for Science awards two incredible teachers STEM The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science awards recognise outstanding teachers who are instrumental in inspiring the next generation of scientists... Years
Article & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. Most young people who do VET after school are in full-time work by the age of 25 Careers in STEMEngineeringSTEM Researchers and data analysts from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research explain 25-years worth of research about the most... Years
Article, Professional Learning & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Divide and conquer: why doing maths adds up to life success Careers in STEMMathematical SciencesSTEM Senior lecturer in Applied Mathematics at Macquarie University, Dr Sophie Calabretto, discusses the importance of the skills developed by maths... Years
Article & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. Teaching maths – what does the evidence say actually works? Mathematical SciencesSTEM With a growing body of research around maths anxiety, tackling it in the classroom is becoming more important. Associate Director... Years
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. Science photo contest for SA schools STEMTechnology Look through the lens at the science your students are passionate about. Year 9 Claudia Coggan has already submitted her... Years F-12
Professional Learning & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. 5 Australian books that can help young people understand their place in the world STEM Some great Australian reads for your students over the break. It is important for young people to read literature that... Years F-12
Article & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. The possible reason girls are less likely to pick STEM careers STEM Girls score the same in maths and science as boys, but higher in arts – this may be why they... Years
Article & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. While some science stereotypes change, others confound kids’ ambition STEM While Aussie school students may no longer think of scientists as just men, media stereotypes of weird scientists and explosions... Years
STEM Pack & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. STEM Pack 1: Unconscious Bias Chemical SciencesScientific LiteracySTEM Students explore the latest STEM careers – the science and the scientists – through videos, research and discussion. The STEM... Years 7-9