Article Please login to favourite this article. Got a new UV torch? Here are some things to shine it on Physical SciencesChemical SciencesSTEM The UV torches that come with RATs could prompt some fun discoveries. This article has a simplified explanation of how... Years 5 & 9
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. How does carbon capture and storage work? Earth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMTechnology One approach to the control of carbon emissions is carbon capture. This excellent explainer article discusses the different forms of... Years 6-8 & 10
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. EXPLAINER: Renewable Energy Earth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMSustainabilityTechnology We don’t have to be tied to dirty coal-fired power stations for our energy needs. We have real options, explains... Years 6-8 & 10
Article, Explainer, Student Activity & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. EXPLAINER - How do fingers snap? Physical SciencesSTEM It’s friction – and surprisingly fast motion that allows us to snap our fingers. Use this explainer resource to investigate... Years 4 & 7-8
Article Please login to favourite this article. Why does cold air go down and hot air go up? Chemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEM Does cold air go down because the earth’s core is made out of magma and does hot air go up... Years 5, 8 & 10-12
Student Activity & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Maths Delivers: Car Braking Distances EngineeringMathematical SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMTechnology Find out how to calculate car braking distances and the difference just 5 kph can make. This explainer video is... Years 7-8
Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. A science poet’s guide to the galaxy Physical SciencesCareers in STEMSTEM Photons, physics and the power of performance: science poet, Rachel Rayner tells us how to communicate complex concepts. Learn about... Years 8-9
Article Please login to favourite this article. Explainer: Standard Model of Particle Physics Physical SciencesChemical SciencesSTEM The standard model helps scientists describe the universe, but it’s not perfect. Use this explainer with Physics and Chemistry students... Years 9 & 11-12
Video & Film & Career Profile Please login to favourite this article. STELR Career Profiles in STEM - Architect Earth SciencesEngineeringPhysical SciencesSTEM Kate Douglas is a senior architect for Outlines Landscape Architecture in Melbourne. Her experience has been in design-focused architectural practices... Years 6-7 & 9-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Tech In Your Clothes and Under Your Skin TechnologyBiological SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMSTEM in Action You’re probably already pretty comfortable with wearing your technology. But how will you feel about implanting or ingesting it? Learn... Years 5 & 8-10
SCINEMA, Student Activity & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Phenomena - Episode 3: Waves Physical SciencesSTEM Waves are all around us. As sound waves move through water and salt, they vibrate into geometric patterns that visualize... Years 9
SCINEMA, Student Activity & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Phenomena - Episode 1: Energy Physical SciencesSTEM Energy is at the foundation of all change in the universe. Chemical reactions reveal explosive and vivid patterns that visualise... Years 8