Article Please login to favourite this article. Making Water in the Antarctic Desert Chemical SciencesAntarctic ScienceEarth SciencesSTEM The Antarctic ice sheet holds about 90 percent of Earth’s fresh water in 30 million cubic kilometres of ice. But... Years 7 & 10
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. Predator and Prey Antarctic ScienceBiological SciencesSTEM Who eats whom in Antarctica? Learn about the predator and prey relationships in the Antarctic. This extended resource is designed... Years 4
Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. Features of Antarctic Animals Antarctic ScienceBiological SciencesSTEM What characteristics or features do groups of Antarctic animals have? What is the difference between a mammal, bird and fish?... Years 3
Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. Antarctic Animal Life Cycles Antarctic ScienceBiological SciencesSTEM What are the life cycles of Antarctic animals? Who are born live and who hatch from an egg? This extended... Years 2 & 4
Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. Antarctica: Animal Adaptations Antarctic ScienceBiological SciencesSTEM What adaptations do animals have to help them survive the harsh Antarctic conditions? This extended resource is designed for Year... Years 5-6
Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. Antarctica: Twilight zone Antarctic ScienceEarth SciencesSTEM What causes the length of day and night to change in the Twilight Zone? This extended resource is designed for... Years 7
Article Please login to favourite this article. Fire, floods and ice Antarctic ScienceBiological SciencesChemical SciencesEarth SciencesSTEMTechnology How Antarctic science helps us understand Australian weather and climate. The last Australian summer delivered hot weather and bushfires on... Years 4-6, 8 & 10
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. COSMOS Magazine: Good Krill Hunting Antarctic ScienceBiological SciencesTechnology Antarctica’s most iconic animals depend on the tiny, prolific and surprisingly charismatic krill. Andrew Bain reports on the research into... Years 3-7 & 9