Article & Career Profile Please login to favourite this article. Michelle is bringing sustainable food to the world Biological SciencesCareers in STEMEarth SciencesSTEMSustainability Michelle Grant crosses science and social sciences to influence food sustainability programs around the world. This piece finds out about... Years 7 & 9-10
Career Profile, Student Activity & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Sheena Ong - Renewables Engineer Careers in STEMChemical SciencesEarth SciencesEngineeringPhysical SciencesSTEM Sheena works on renewable energy projects. She has also produced a documentary and is passionate about engineering solutions for humanitarian... Years 7-10
STEM Pack & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. STEM Pack 1: Unconscious Bias Chemical SciencesScientific LiteracySTEM Students explore the latest STEM careers – the science and the scientists – through videos, research and discussion. The STEM... Years 7-9
Career Profile & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Bernadette Fitzgibbon - Neuroscientist Biological SciencesCareers in STEMSTEM Meet Bernadette Fitzgibbon, she is a neuroscientist. She studies the brain and how pain works. In her work, she gets... Years 7-10