Article Please login to favourite this article. Meet the new chief: Nicole Webster’s journey from the tropics to Antarctica Antarctic ScienceCareers in STEMEarth SciencesSTEM This marine scientist, Dr Nicole Webster, switched from coral to ice, thanks to a growing awareness of the role that... Years 7-10
Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Antarctica: A window to the future Antarctic ScienceCareers in STEMEarth SciencesSTEM Find out why Antarctica is a frontier for scientific research. Learn about the importance of Antarctic science directly from the... Years 10
Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. A science poet’s guide to the galaxy Physical SciencesCareers in STEMSTEM Photons, physics and the power of performance: science poet, Rachel Rayner tells us how to communicate complex concepts. Learn about... Years 8-9
Article, Professional Learning & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Amazing Australian scientists and students recognised with Eureka Prizes STEMCareers in STEM National science awards honour school students’ science communication talent and innovation and leadership of researchers. Find out about some of... Years 7-10
Career Profile Please login to favourite this article. Nate Byrne: What did you want to be when you grew up? Biological SciencesCareers in STEMEarth SciencesSTEM Elite athlete? Actor? Astronaut? It’s pretty rare to find someone actually living their childhood dream. Cue: Nate Byrne, ABC Breakfast... Years 9-10
Article & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. 5 ways to spot if someone is trying to mislead you when it comes to science STEM In a time when misinformation is rife, knowing what to look out for is important. Learn five strategies to equip... Years 7-10
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. COSMOS MAGAZINE - Naracoorte Caves: A rolls-royce record of biodiversity Biological SciencesChemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical Sciences The geological records below ground in Naracoorte, South Australia are relatively young, dating 500,000 years to less than 1000. But... Years 4-10