PODCAST NEXT GEN: What’s the best music to study to?

In this episode of Podcast Next Gen, Jorja explores why some music is better to study to than other music and why jazz might be the most meditative.

In 2023, Podcast Next Gen is a collaboration between Cosmos Magazine and the National Youth Science Forum. These ‘shortcast’ episodes have been written and recorded by Year 12 students. Use them with your students as inspiration for assignments tasks, or as an explainer task.



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The best music to study to

Have you ever been trying to study and turn on some music, but discover that what you’ve picked is just too good? Instead of focusing on your work, you end up vibing with the song.

Jorja, a year 12 student and robotics enthusiast wanted to know why, and so she hooked up her own brain to find out.

Explore Jorja’s brain on music, why jazz might be the most meditative, and why you need to keep an eye on those gamma waves.

More about Podcast Next Gen

In 2023, Podcast Next Gen is a collaboration between Cosmos Magazine and the National Youth Science Forum.

The reporters are year 12 students from across Australia – the next generation of scientists, science journalists and podcasters. These ‘shortcast’ episodes have been written and recorded by the students, giving them the opportunity to work with real science journalists and editors to make their science concept come to life.

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