Article & Career Profile Please login to favourite this article. Kirsten is the astrophysicist of the future Careers in STEMPhysical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEM Kirsten Banks is a rising star of astrophysics, getting people excited about the universe and the importance of combining contemporary... Years 5, 7 & 9-10
Article & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. ‘All things will outlast us’: how the Indigenous concept of deep time helps us understand environmental destruction Aboriginal + Torres Strait Islander Histories & CulturesBiological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM By looking through Indigenous eyes at the Australian environment, scientists can better understand the history and prepare for the future... Years 6-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Aboriginal artefacts reveal first ancient underwater cultural sites in Australia Aboriginal + Torres Strait Islander Histories & CulturesEarth SciencesSTEM Aboriginal artefacts from underwater archaeological sites have been discovered off northwest Australia, and they could fill major gaps in the... Years 4 & 6
Article Please login to favourite this article. COVID-19 will devastate Aboriginal communities if we don’t act now Biological SciencesAboriginal + Torres Strait Islander Histories & CulturesSTEM Existing chronic conditions and overcrowding means a real risk of COVID-19 wreaking havoc in our Aboriginal communities. The questions in... Years 7-10