Article Please login to favourite this article. A new world of plasma screens? Chemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMSTEM in ActionSustainability The fourth state of matter can make cheap, smart, waste-free screen components. Learn about touchscreen technology, states of matter, compounds... Years 7-8 & 10
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. The Water Cycle: Water, Snow and Ice Antarctic ScienceEarth SciencesSTEM What happens to the water cycle somewhere as cold as Antarctica? This extended resource is designed for Year 7 Earth... Years 7
Article & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. COSMOS Briefing: The Future of Food Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM in ActionSustainability What will our food look like in the future? Rachel Burton, from the University of Adelaide, and Angela Pattison, from... Years 4, 7 & 9-10
Article & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. An answer to the clean water crisis? Chemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEM UniSA researchers refine solar evaporation for clean water tech. This resource shows how scientists are using their understanding of Chemistry,... Years 5, 7-8 & 10
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. COSMOS MAGAZINE - Naracoorte Caves: A rolls-royce record of biodiversity Biological SciencesChemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical Sciences The geological records below ground in Naracoorte, South Australia are relatively young, dating 500,000 years to less than 1000. But... Years 4-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. A catalyst for faster, cheaper biodiesel Chemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMTechnology New system can work with low-grade feedstock. This interesting article details an invention to use biodiesels through an innovative chemical... Years 7-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Rain really can move mountains Chemical SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM Himalayan study describes dramatic impact of erosion. This article is suitable for year 7, 8 and 9 Earth and Space... Years 7-9
Article Please login to favourite this article. Sahara actually has quite a few trees Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEMTechnology Satellite imaging and deep learning provide a clearer picture of the Sahara. Learn about how satellite technology is used to... Years 7 & 9
Article & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Power walking with a wind turbine Physical SciencesEngineeringSTEMTechnology Nanogenerator is like a tiny personal wind turbine. Learn about a newly developed way to generate electricity that could be... Years 10
Article, Career Profile, Professional Learning, Student Activity & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. STELR Career Profiles in STEM - Wind Energy Engineer Careers in STEMEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMTechnology These videos explore the work of Senior Mechanical Wind Energy Engineer, Rosemary Barnes and provide a step-by-step tutorial for students... Years 7-10
Career Profile & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Working in... Earth Sciences - Sustainable Buildings Developer Earth SciencesEngineeringPhysical SciencesSTEMSustainabilityTechnology The Working In… series compiles a selection of fascinating STEM jobs in a multitude of fields. They are designed to... Years 4, 7-8 & 10
Career Profile & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Working in... Earth Sciences - Mine Designer Careers in STEMEarth SciencesEngineeringSTEMTechnology The Working In… series compiles a selection of fascinating STEM jobs in a multitude of fields. They are designed to... Years 4 & 7-8