Article Please login to favourite this article. Cleaning up our space junkyard Physical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEM For the past 60 years we’ve been littering in space, and scientists are warning it’s about time we did something... Years 5, 7 & 10
Career Profile & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. STEM CAREERS: Andrea Boyd - Space Engineer Careers in STEMEngineeringSpace SciencesSTEM in Action In this video resource Andrea Boyd, explores her inspiration for a career in Space Flight control, tells us about her... Years 5 & 7-10
Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. COSMOS Magazine: How to build a spacesuit EngineeringSpace SciencesTechnology Few uniforms are as recognisable and inspiring as those worn for space travel. But as Deborah Devis discovers, the evolution... Years 5 & 8-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Studying the red planet Biological SciencesChemical SciencesPhysical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEMTechnology As new probes reach Mars, here’s what we know so far from trips to the red planet. This resource covers... Years 5-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Look up for meteor showers in 2021 Earth & Space SciencesSpace SciencesSTEM Your guide to the best showers this year. This resource is best suited for Earth and Space students in Years... Years 5, 7 & 10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Hayabusa2 capsule and cargo are back Asia & Australia's Engagement with AsiaEngineeringPhysical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEMTechnology Here’s what you need to know about Hayabusa2 landing in South Australia. This article describes what happened after the Hayabusa2... Years 5, 7-8 & 10
Article Please login to favourite this article. How to live in space: what we’ve learnt from 20 years of the International Space Station Biological SciencesPhysical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEMTechnology November 2 marked 20 years since the first residents arrived on the International Space Station. The orbiting habitat has been... Years 4-7 & 9-10
Article & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Gravitational Waves Physical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEMTechnology In 2015, astronomers shook the world of science when they made the first ever detection of gravitational waves. This feat... Years 7-12
Article Please login to favourite this article. Please explain: Why is NASA returning to the Moon? Earth & Space SciencesSpace SciencesSTEM Associate Professor Craig O’Neill, of Macquarie University’s Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, explains the interconnected reasons behind the renewed... Years 7-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. It’s confirmed. There is water on the Moon Chemical SciencesPhysical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEMTechnology Flying telescope detects unique spectral signature. This exciting article and resource are best suited to Year 5, 7, 8, 9,... Years 7-8 & 10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Shining a Light on the Hidden Universe Chemical SciencesPhysical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEMTechnology The night sky has always been a source of wonder, but it wasn’t until the 20th century that we could... Years 8-12
Idea, Professional Learning, SCINEMA, Student Activity & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. SCINEMA: Putting Science in the Cinema STEMSTEM in Action Bring SCINEMA To Your Classroom or Livingroom SCINEMA is the largest international science film festival in the southern hemisphere, showcasing... Years F-12