Article Please login to favourite this article. How a scientific spat over how to name species turned into a big plus for nature Biological SciencesSTEM For years a battle has raged about the rules of taxonomy. Scientist vs scientist. Comparisons to Stalin. But a conclusion... Years 5, 7 & 10
Article & Career Profile Please login to favourite this article. Career Profile: Margaret Hamilton Careers in STEMSpace SciencesSTEM Margaret Hamilton helped land the Eagle and won many accolades, but wasn’t in the movies. Educate students about an inspiring... Years 7-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. My talk with Jane Goodall: vegetarianism, animal welfare and the power of children’s advocacy Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM Dame Jane Goodall and Professor of Animal Welfare, Clive Phillips, discuss unique human characteristics, societies’ moral obligations to animals, and... Years 4, 6-7 & 10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Tim Jarvis – Trees are more important now than ever before Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM Trees are not only useful for mitigating carbon emissions, they play many critical roles. Yet we are not doing enough... Years 6-7 & 9-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Ancient signs of life: inspiring the next generation of scientists in the outback Aboriginal + Torres Strait Islander Histories & CulturesBiological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM As Perseverance sets off on its six-month journey to Mars, two UNSW PhD students look back on a field trip... Years 7-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Volcanoes aren’t always what they seem Chemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEM A different kind of magma may lurk below. This article is well suited to Earth and Space, Chemistry and Physics... Years 6 & 8-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Why do so many dangerous animals live in Australia? Biological SciencesSTEM Why do so many dangerous animals live in Australia? – Lucy, aged seven, Kent, UK Use this article with Biology... Years 4-6 & 10
Article Please login to favourite this article. The ultimate map of the Universe Physical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEMTechnology Two decades of work fills an 11-billion-year gap to create an ultimate map of the Universe. This article explains a... Years 10-12
Article Please login to favourite this article. Supercharged bandages improve wound healing Biological SciencesChemical SciencesSTEMTechnology Using a new plasma coating on current wound dressings could promote the healing of chronic wounds and reduce patient suffering.... Years 8-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Meet Moss, the best boy helping Tassie devils find love Biological SciencesSTEM “Detection dogs are the perfect intermediary between people and wildlife — they can sniff out what we can’t and communicate... Years 5, 7 & 9-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Why outer space matters in a post-pandemic world Space SciencesSTEMTechnology When the COVID-19 hit the world came grinding to a halt. But the space industry, including in Australia, are leading... Years 7-10
Article, Citizen Science & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. Citizen Science for the Classroom: The GLOBE Program Careers in STEMEarth & Space SciencesSTEMTechnology Each week Cosmos takes a look at projects and news about Citizen Science in Australia. This week they went global with... Years 10