Article & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. How much does a koala need to drink? Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM Possibly a lot more than we thought. This article is suited to students in all years studying Biological or Earth... Years F-9
Article Please login to favourite this article. Behold, the “Crazy Beast” Biological SciencesEarth Sciences It might look like a badger, but internally the Crazy Beast has got some crazy-weird seemingly nature-defying anatomy. This interesting... Years 4-7 & 10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Queensland dolphins intentionally beach themselves to trap food Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM Beached as bro! Dolphins in Fitzroy River, Queensland chase fish onto muddy banks and beach themselves, before sliding back into... Years 5, 7 & 9-10
STEM Pack, Student Activity & Teacher Resource Please login to favourite this article. STEM Pack 10: Climate Change Biological SciencesCareers in STEMChemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSustainability Students explore the latest STEM careers – the science and the scientists – through videos, research and discussion. The STEM... Years 7-12
Article Please login to favourite this article. Your backyard could help reduce global warming Biological SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEM A study finds gardens cool urban temperatures by six degrees, meaning your backyard can help reduce global warming. Inspire students... Years 4 & 6-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Planet that never was is still interesting Physical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEM Astronomers believe the suspected planet is a dust cloud caused by a cosmic collision. Use this article with students in... Years 5, 7 & 10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Where the wild things are: As humans stay indoors, nature is emerging Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM As COVID-19 forces us to abandon public spaces and stay home, nature appears to be “reclaiming” the streets. This article... Years 4, 6-7 & 9
Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. In Class With... Climate Special Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSustainability Get access to the biggest STEM names and brightest minds with our In Class With… series. To young people, the... Years 4 & 7-12
Article, Professional Learning & Student Activity Please login to favourite this article. Five ways to understand coronavirus graphs Mathematical SciencesSTEM [PLEASE NOTE: The information in this article may since have been updated or refined.] There are lots of numbers, but what... Years 7-12
Article Please login to favourite this article. New ‘law’ could inform glacier-flow models Antarctic ScienceEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMTechnology Equation designed to measure glacier movement over soft ground. This article and associated student activity is suited to students in... Years 4 & 6-7
Article Please login to favourite this article. Top 10 new marine species of the year Biological SciencesSTEM From Wakanda to the Muppets, tiny squid and boring amphipods, the marine world got a whole bunch of amazing species... Years 3, 5, 7 & 10
Student Activity & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Series: What will the future look like? Biological SciencesPhysical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEM Ann Druyan is the executive producer, director and writer of the new National Geographic series Cosmos: Possible Worlds. From science... Years 7-12