Teacher Resource & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. In Class With Mini... with Dr Karl – What causes Hiccups? Biological SciencesHealth & Medical Sciences In this In Class With… mini-episode Dr Karl tackles the question “What causes hiccups?”, with an answer that ranges from... Years 8-9
Article Please login to favourite this article. No, koalas aren’t functionally extinct Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM Claims koalas have been made “functionally extinct” due to the recent bushfires is an exaggeration of their actual plight. This... Years 4-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Alan Finkel – Australia’s hydrogen future has arrived Chemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEMSustainabilityTechnology With the natural resources and relationship with importers, Australia is well placed to profit from a hydrogen future, writes Australia’s... Years 5-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Scientists discover why mantis shrimps' brains don't explode Biological SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEM Mantis shrimp eyes collect a staggering amount of information, feeding into a tiny brain – leaving scientists wondering how they... Years 5-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Incredible image of galactic centre discovers a supernova likely seen by Indigenous Australians Physical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEM The explosive death of a star discovered within a stunning image of the centre of the galaxy could have been... Years 7 & 9-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. NSW Coroner’s pill testing report agrees with research, common sense Chemical SciencesSTEM The NSW Deputy Coroner has recommended a pill testing trial, the decriminalisation of personal drug use and no sniffer dogs... Years 9-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Firestorms and flaming tornadoes: how bushfires create their own ferocious weather systems Biological SciencesChemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEM Intense bushfires can create their own weather systems, making the conditions on the ground even more deadly. Useful topical resource... Years 4-7 & 9-10
Career Profile & Video & Film Please login to favourite this article. Sean Geoghegan – Meet a Medical Physicist Biological SciencesCareers in STEMPhysical SciencesSTEM Careers in STEM don’t always follow a linear path and people don’t always know what they’re going to be when... Years 9-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Lizard evolution highlights power of climate change Biological SciencesEarth SciencesSTEM The fragmentation of lizard populations millions of years ago could spell trouble with continued climate change. A new way of... Years 7 & 9-10
Article Please login to favourite this article. Drought and climate change were the kindling, and now the east coast is ablaze Biological SciencesChemical SciencesEarth SciencesPhysical SciencesSTEM “These unprecedented fires are an indication that a much-feared future under climate change may have arrived earlier than predicted.” The... Years 7-10
Career Profile Please login to favourite this article. Answers With... Assoc Prof Alan Duffy Biological SciencesCareers in STEMChemical SciencesPhysical SciencesSpace SciencesSTEM Associate Professor Alan Duffy Associate Professor Alan Duffy is an astrophysicist at Swinburne University of Technology and Lead Scientist of... Years 3-10
Article & Citizen Science Please login to favourite this article. Citizen science project turns whale watchers into published scientists Biological SciencesSTEM 20 years of citizen science records have revealed the recovery of humpback whales in Australian waters. Interesting read showing students... Years 7 & 9-10