Using SCINEMA in your classroom
SCINEMA is the largest science film festival in the Southern Hemisphere and the largest single event of National Science Week.
Use the resources below to bring SCINEMA into your classroom.
Professional Development
In this virtual PD session, discover how to better engage your students in STEM through the power of film. This session will equip you with the skills and confidence to deliver engaging SCINEMA activities suitable for both classroom and remote learning.
Student Workshops
These sessions are designed for educators to complete with their classes. Videos lead students through a range of activities related to a specific SCINEMA film. Each workshop comes with a teacher resource pack.
Biological Sciences – Ecosystems, Lifecycles, Living Things
Earth and Space Sciences – The Changing Earth
Physical Sciences – Energy
Additional: Careers, Technology.
Best for: R-3
Earth and Space Sciences – The Solar System, The Changing Earth
Physical Sciences – Forces
Additional: Careers, Technology, Engineering.
Best for: Yr 4-6
Biological Sciences – Ecosystems, Living Things
Chemical Sciences – Particles
Physical Sciences – Forces, Energy
Additional: Careers, Technology.
Best for: Yr 7-9
Earth and Environmental – Big Bang Theory
Physical Sciences – Unit 4: Revolutions in modern physics
Additional: Careers, Maths, Technology, Engineering.
Best for: Yr 10-12
How did you get on?
Please complete the short survey below to tell us your thoughts on these sessions.
This will help us plan future workshops to best suit your needs.
If your students love science and have an interest in filmmaking, encourage them to create and enter a short video for SCINEMA junior into next year’s festival.
SCINEMA Junior is an award category specifically for junior filmmakers aged 17 years and younger. Submissions for next year’s festival open in September 2020.