Podcast Please login to favourite this article. PODCAST NEXT GEN: Why do we feel hot? Biological SciencesHealth & Medical Sciences In this episode of Podcast Next Gen, Dorothea explores how heat works in the human body, how our bodies keep... Years 7-12
Podcast Please login to favourite this article. PODCAST NEXT GEN: How do we deal with our vape packaging problem? Sustainability in this episode of Podcast Next Gen, Amy dives into the (un)recyclability of disposable vapes, what the new crackdown could... Years 7-12
Article, Career Profile & Podcast Please login to favourite this article. Diversity in engineering with Leeanne Bond Careers in STEMEngineering Engineer, company director and diversity leader Leeanne Bond talks about breaking down the barriers in the world of engineering. This... Years 7-10
Article, Podcast & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. Making a Connection to Culture Aboriginal + Torres Strait Islander Histories & CulturesMathematical SciencesSTEM Maths is universal and was, is and always will be important to understand in every society, even when it may... Years 7-10
Article, Career Profile & Podcast Please login to favourite this article. Jane Oppenheim and her career in science-based skincare Biological SciencesCareers in STEMChemical SciencesSTEM Researcher Dr Jane Oppenheim was the 2019 Clunies Ross Entrepreneur of the Year. In this article, you will find out... Years 8-10
Article, Podcast & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. Using nets and turtle eggs to take maths outside the classroom Aboriginal + Torres Strait Islander Histories & CulturesMathematical SciencesSTEM Researchers say that to make maths more engaging, teachers need to think outside of the classroom. Explore this short article... Years
Podcast & Professional Learning Please login to favourite this article. QUT Teacher Podclass Series STEM This podcast series by QUT aims to bridge the gap between researchers and educators. A podcast series that’s all about... Years