This Show Is NOT Rubbish – Ep9: Decorative Vegetable


1-3 & 7-8

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The Trash Can Man is on a mission to turn TRASH into (scientific) TREASURE! Hidden inside every pile of refuse and rejectamenta are a billion different possibilities…

Celery. It’s just so GREEN! But, it doesn’t have to be… Find out how to turn this crunchy vegetable into something a little more decorative!

This activity is best suited to Year 1, 3, 7 and 8 Biology students who are learning about the features and classifications of fruits and vegetables.

Episode 9: Decorative Vegetable

Have you ever wondered how plants get the water from the ground to their leaves?

Video Length: 11:40 mins

With thanks to That Science Gang.

Login or Sign up for FREE to download a copy of the full teacher resource

Years: 1, 3, 7, 8


Biological Sciences – Cells, Living Things

Additional: Careers, Technology.

Concepts (South Australia):

Biological Sciences – Diversity and Evolution, Form and Function


1-3 & 7-8